Tulip City Cosplay
Last year for our cosplay contest we offered something a bit more creative than usual. The feedback was incredible, and the outcome was AMAZING! Local professional photographer and photo editor Dustin Valkema shared his talents with our 1st and 2nd place winners! If you would like to hire him, follow him on facebook and instagram for more information! Tell him Tulip City sent you!
Kid's Cosplay
There will be a separate Kid's Cosplay contest! Let's see those costumes! Kid's Cosplay is at 2:00 with Adult Cosplay starting shortly after!
Be sure to stop in the Atrium to
say hi to our Cosplay Judges!
Thanks to local business Culvers for providing some prizes for our cosplay contests!
Check out some of
our past winners!
If you are interested in signing
up for the cosplay contest,
please stop by the
Tulip City booth and sign up!
Sign up will be open
from 10-1:30!
Thank You
Thank You
To everyone involved last year!